Friday, 18 September 2009


1)      Mollify            × Enrage, Provoke
2)      Inundate          × Drain
3)      Equanimity      × Agitation
4)      Gauche            × Tactful
5)      Exhume           × Inter
6)      Baleful                        × Beneficent
7)      Anathematize  × Bless
8)      Enigmatic        × Unambiguous
9)      Pariah              × Idol
10)  Turbid             × Limpid

Daily Do's and dont(September)

English related(1 hour)

1. Read 2 flash cards(10 min)
2. Read a news paper(30 min)
3. Read a novel (15 min)
4. Re-read 2 flash cards (5 min)

Computer Related(2-3 hour)

1. Study OS 1 hour
2. Study networking 1 hour
3. Project work sometimes

Guitar Related

1. Daily fogcreek puzzle(5 daily)

Saturday, 5 September 2009

5 september vocab

precarious - unstable, uncertain, depending on chance, insecure; delicate

precedent - the original of a copy; model; former; previous

precept  - law; an axiom ; an instruction in moral conduct ; principle ; a rule of action

precinct - a division of police or electoral purposes ; a place around a building

preciosity - fastidious over-refinement

precipice -  a high verical or nearly vertical cliff or rock face.

precipitate - to accelerate, to settle down or suspend in solution , a substance separated from solution due to precipitation

preclude - to stop or obstruct

precocious - strikingly advanced or mature in mental development, speech, social behaviour, etc

Friday, 4 September 2009

Divisibility tests

A number is divisible by 2 if its last digit is also (i.e. 0,2,4,6 or 8).

A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is also. Example: 534: 5+3+4=12 and 1+2=3 so 534 is divisible by 3.

A number is divisible by 5 if the last digit is 5 or 0.
Test for divisibility by 7. Double the last digit and subtract it from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 7, then so was the original number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary. Example: 826. Twice 6 is 12. So take 12 from the truncated 82. Now 82-12=70. This is divisible by 7, so 826 is divisible by 7 also.

There are similar rules for the remaining primes under 40, i.e. 11,13, 17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43 and 47.
Test for divisibility by 11. Subtract the last digit from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 11, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 19151--> 1915-1 =1914 -->191-4=187 -->18-7=11, so yes, 19151 is divisible by 11.

Test for divisibility by 13. Add four times the last digit to the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 13, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 50661-->5066+4=5070-->507+0=507-->50+28=78 and 78 is 6*13, so 50661 is divisible by 13.

Test for divisibility by 17. Subtract five times the last digit from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 17, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 3978-->397-5*8=357-->35-5*7=0. So 3978 is divisible by 17.

Test for divisibility by 19. Add two times the last digit to the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 19, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
EG: 101156-->10115+2*6=10127-->1012+2*7=1026-->102+2*6=114 and 114=6*19, so 101156 is divisible by 19.

If you want you can stop here.However, I have extended the list up to 50.

Test for divisibility by 23. Add seven times the last digit to the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 23, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 17043-->1704+7*3=1725-->172+7*5=207-->20+7*7=69 which is 3*23, so 17043 is also divisible by 23.

Test for divisibility by 29. Add three times the last digit to the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 29, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 15689-->1568+3*9=1595-->159+3*5=174-->17+3*4=29, so 15689 is also divisible by 29.

Test for divisibility by 31. Subtract three times the last digit from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 31, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 7998-->799-3*8=775-->77-3*5=62 which is twice 31, so 7998 is also divisible by 31.

Test for divisibility by 37. This is (slightly) more difficult, since it perforce uses a double-digit multiplier, namely eleven. People can usually do single digit multiples of 11, so we can use the same technique still. Subtract eleven times the last digit from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 37, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 23384-->2338-11*4=2294-->229-11*4=185 which is five times 37, so 23384 is also divisible by 37.

Test for divisibility by 41. Subtract four times the last digit from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 41, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 30873-->3087-4*3=3075-->307-4*5=287-->28-4*7=0, remainder is zero and so 30873 is also divisible by 41.

Test for divisibility by 43. Now it starts to get really difficult for most people, because the multiplier to be used is 13, and most people cannot recognise even single digit multiples of 13 at sight. You may want to make a little list of 13*N first. Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness, we will use the same method. Add thirteen times the last digit to the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 43, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 3182-->318+13*2=344-->34+13*4=86 which is recognisably twice 43, and so 3182 is also divisible by 43.
We can also do following:, since we are working to modulo43, instead of adding factor 13 times the last digit, we can subtract 30 times it, because 13+30=43.

Finally, the Test for divisibility by 47. This too is difficult for most people, because the multiplier to be used is 14, and most people cannot recognise even single digit multiples of 14 at sight. You may want to make a little list of 14*N first. Nevertheless, for the sake of completeness, we will use the same method. Subtract fourteen times the last digit from the remaining leading truncated number. If the result is divisible by 47, then so was the first number. Apply this rule over and over again as necessary.
Example: 34827-->3482-14*7=3384-->338-14*4=282-->28-14*2=0 , remainder is zero and so 34827 is divisible by 47.

Why d we sometimes say ADD and for other primes say SUBTRACT, and where from the apparently arbitrary factors come from. So let us do some algebra to show the method in my madness.
We know that recursive divisibility test of number N as f-M*r where f are the front digits of N, r is the rear digit of N and M is some multiplier. And we want to see if N is divisible by some prime P. We need a method to work out the values of M. What you do is to calculate (mentally) the smallest multiple of P which ends in a 9 or a 1. If it's a 9 we are going to ADD, if it's a 1 we are going to SUBTRACT later. Then we will use the leading digit(s) of the multiple as our multiplier M.
Example for P=17 : three times 17 is 51 which is the smallest multiple of 17 that ends in a 1 or 9. Since it's a 1 we are going to SUBTRACT later. The leading digit is a 5, so we are going to SUBTRACT five times the remainder r. The algorithm was stated above. Now let's do the algebraic proof. Writing N=10f+r, we can multiply by -5 (as shown in the example for 17), getting -5N=-50f-5r. Now we add 51f to both sides (because 51 was the smallest multiple of P=17 to end in a 1 or a 9), giving one f (which we want), so 51f-5N=f-5r. Now if N is divisible by P (here P=17), we can substitute to get 51f-5*17*x=f-5r and rearrange the left side as 17*(3f-5x)=f-5r and therefore f-5r is a multiple of P=17 also. Q.E.D.


5th septeber - 41wpm  97% accuracy(Aesop's puzzle) Lesson 4


Some useful fractions to learn

we have to calculate 1/x when x is
x    1/x
2     .5
3     .{3}
4     .25
5     .20
6     .1{6}
7     .{142857}
8     .125
9     .{1}
10   .1
11    .{09}

September Guitar practise

Last Kiss
Time of your life
Wake me up when september ends
Show me the meaning
Allah k bande

Finger Picking
Stairway to heaven
Anouk - michele
Radiohead - street spirit
Babe I m gonna leave u
Nothing else matters
Under the bridge
Hotel California

Fade to black intro(4 th september)

Time table I want to practise

Eve 5.00 - 7.00 vocab
       7.00 - 8.00 coding
       8.00 - 9.00 dinner etc
       9.00 -12.00cs subject
       12.00-2.00 phone
       2.00-5.00 sleep
       5.00- 7

Quadratic Equation

Maxima and minima
Maxima a>0  x= - b/2a  Max = -(b^2 -4ac)/4a
Minima a<0  -----------------------------------------(same)

Multiplication Tables

1 × 1 = 1
2 × 1 = 2
2 × 2 = 4
3 × 1 = 3
3 × 2 = 6
3 × 3 = 9
4 × 1 = 4
4 × 2 = 8
4 × 3 = 12
4 × 4 = 16
5 × 1 = 5
5 × 2 = 10
5 × 3 = 15
5 × 4 = 20
5 × 5 = 25
6 × 1 = 6
6 × 2 = 12
6 × 3 = 18
6 × 4 = 24
6 × 5 = 30
6 × 6 = 36
7 × 1 = 7
7 × 2 = 14
7 × 3 = 21
7 × 4 = 28
7 × 5 = 35
7 × 6 = 42
7 × 7 = 49
8 × 1 = 8
8 × 2 = 16
8 × 3 = 24
8 × 4 = 32
8 × 5 = 40
8 × 6 = 48
8 × 7 = 56
8 × 8 = 64
9 × 1 = 9
9 × 2 = 18
9 × 3 = 27
9 × 4 = 36
9 × 5 = 45
9 × 6 = 54
9 × 7 = 63
9 × 8 = 72
9 × 9 = 81
10 × 1 = 10
10 × 2 = 20
10 × 3 = 30
10 × 4 = 40
10 × 5 = 50
10 × 6 = 60
10 × 7 = 70
10 × 8 = 80
10 × 9 = 90
10 × 10 = 100
11 × 1 = 11
11 × 2 = 22
11 × 3 = 33
11 × 4 = 44
11 × 5 = 55
11 × 6 = 66
11 × 7 = 77
11 × 8 = 88
11 × 9 = 99
11 × 10 = 110
11 × 11 = 121
12 × 1 = 12
12 × 2 = 24
12 × 3 = 36
12 × 4 = 48
12 × 5 = 60
12 × 6 = 72
12 × 7 = 84
12 × 8 = 96
12 × 9 = 108
12 × 10 = 120
12 × 11 = 132
12 × 12 = 144
13 × 1 = 13
13 × 2 = 26
13 × 3 = 39
13 × 4 = 52
13 × 5 = 65
13 × 6 = 78
13 × 7 = 91
13 × 8 = 104
13 × 9 = 117
13 × 10 = 130
13 × 11 = 143
13 × 12 = 156
13 × 13 = 169
14 × 1 = 14
14 × 2 = 28
14 × 3 = 42
14 × 4 = 56
14 × 5 = 70
14 × 6 = 84
14 × 7 = 98
14 × 8 = 112
14 × 9 = 126
14 × 10 = 140
14 × 11 = 154
14 × 12 = 168
14 × 13 = 182
14 × 14 = 196
15 × 1 = 15
15 × 2 = 30
15 × 3 = 45
15 × 4 = 60
15 × 5 = 75
15 × 6 = 90
15 × 7 = 105
15 × 8 = 120
15 × 9 = 135
15 × 10 = 150
15 × 11 = 165
15 × 12 = 180
15 × 13 = 195
15 × 14 = 210
15 × 15 = 225
16 × 1 = 16
16 × 2 = 32
16 × 3 = 48
16 × 4 = 64
16 × 5 = 80
16 × 6 = 96
16 × 7 = 112
16 × 8 = 128
16 × 9 = 144
16 × 10 = 160
16 × 11 = 176
16 × 12 = 192
16 × 13 = 208
16 × 14 = 224
16 × 15 = 240
16 × 16 = 256
17 × 1 = 17
17 × 2 = 34
17 × 3 = 51
17 × 4 = 68
17 × 5 = 85
17 × 6 = 102
17 × 7 = 119
17 × 8 = 136
17 × 9 = 153
17 × 10 = 170
17 × 11 = 187
17 × 12 = 204
17 × 13 = 221
17 × 14 = 238
17 × 15 = 255
17 × 16 = 272
17 × 17 = 289
18 × 1 = 18
18 × 2 = 36
18 × 3 = 54
18 × 4 = 72
18 × 5 = 90
18 × 6 = 108
18 × 7 = 126
18 × 8 = 144
18 × 9 = 162
18 × 10 = 180
18 × 11 = 198
18 × 12 = 216
18 × 13 = 234
18 × 14 = 252
18 × 15 = 270
18 × 16 = 288
18 × 17 = 306
18 × 18 = 324
19 × 1 = 19
19 × 2 = 38
19 × 3 = 57
19 × 4 = 76
19 × 5 = 95
19 × 6 = 114
19 × 7 = 133
19 × 8 = 152
19 × 9 = 171
19 × 10 = 190
19 × 11 = 209
19 × 12 = 228
19 × 13 = 247
19 × 14 = 266
19 × 15 = 285
19 × 16 = 304
19 × 17 = 323
19 × 18 = 342
19 × 19 = 361
20 × 1 = 20
20 × 2 = 40
20 × 3 = 60
20 × 4 = 80
20 × 5 = 100
20 × 6 = 120
20 × 7 = 140
20 × 8 = 160
20 × 9 = 180
20 × 10 = 200
20 × 11 = 220
20 × 12 = 240
20 × 13 = 260
20 × 14 = 280
20 × 15 = 300
20 × 16 = 320
20 × 17 = 340
20 × 18 = 360
20 × 19 = 380
20 × 20 = 400