Sunday, 7 February 2010


Songs Practise

1.      Solo song targets -  All prac for .5 hours
 Fade to black( ahead of solo, to set syncro with chords melody) , ( .5 hour)    . .................  nothing else matters (to increase speed so that I can play with gp5 file),( .5 hour)
stairway to heaven (solo part and just before solo part) ( .5 hour)  ........ November rain(solo 1,2)( .5 hr)
One solo ( .5 hour)......................Sayonee(solo )

 November Rain
november rain solo1 playable now at t = 70, solo 2 at t = 60
Fade to black 
done - Intro solo, soloback riff, melody + lead, interlude after 1st verse... -
Prac this only once with tab
not done -
part not done is boldened
1. do 0035 10 times with metronome t = 160 with dual speed, n prac with tab 
as well

|--| |-------------------------------------------------------|
|--| |-------------------------------------------------------|
|--| |-2--2-2--------5--5-5--------2--2-2--7-9--9-9----5-4-2-|
|-2| |-2--2-2--------5--5-5--------2--2-2--7-9--9-9----5-4-2-|
|-2| |-0--0-0------5-3--3-3------5-0--0-0--5-7--7-7----3-2-0-|
|-0|x8 |--------0-0-3---------0-0-3-------------------0-0------|
-----0-0-3--------0-0-3-----------3-2-0-| X4
2. t=110 start
|-------------------------------|----------------------------|--|      |---|
|-------------------------------|----------------------------|--| |---|
|-------------------------------|----------------------------|4-| |---|
|-7/9--9-9--7/9--9-12-11--7-7-7-|-9-9-9--7-7-7--5-5-5--4-4-4-|--| |-5-|
|-5/7--7-7--5/7--7-10-9---5-5-5-|----------------------------|--| -> |---|
|-------------------------------|----------------------------|--|X2 |---|
2nd time note is 5 in 4th string in the last part instead of 4 
in 3rd string 
Nothing Else matters

Just Play song with tab, part by part and make it perfect.

Just play both Kirk and James part.
Stairway to Heaven
1. Practise song with lyrics
2. Complete the solo part
Not songs but Skills

2 Scales(1hour)
3 notes
2a-- 123, 234, 345, etc....
2b-- 321, 432, 543, etc.

2c-- 132, 243, 354, etc.

2d-- 312, 423, 534, etc.

2e—12, 12 , 33;

2f—121, 32321 ; 
2g - 123:321 , 234:432 , 
Groups of four

1a-- 1234, 2345, 3456, etc.

1b-- 4321, 5432, 6543, etc.

1c-- 1243, 2354, 3465, etc.

1d-- 1321, 2432, 3543, etc.

1e – 1432, 2543 


3a-- 13, 24, 35, 46, etc. (thirds)

3b-- 31, 42, 53, 64, etc. (rev. thirds)

3c-- 13, 42, 35, 64, etc. (rev. every 2nd)

4a-- 14, 25, 36, 47, etc. (fourths)

4b-- 41, 52, 63, 74, etc. (rev. fourths)

4c-- 14, 52, 36, 74, etc. (rev. every 2nd)

5a-- 15, 26, 37, 48, etc. (fifths)

5b-- 51, 62, 73, 84, etc. (rev. fifths)

5c-- 15, 62, 37, 84, etc. (rev. every 2nd)

Am pentatonic scales all positions – dh sa re ga pa dh

1. singing

Tu jane na(chords + singing)

Allah ke bande(chords + singing)

2. Picking

Wake me up when September ends

3. Slide

Free bird (0.5 hours)

5 Arpeggios

Key of G in A shape, practice 1st full key of G

Then only G Em C D with particular order

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